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Insurance Blog

I Missed an Auto Insurance Payment: Here's What to Expect

I Missed an Auto Insurance Payment: Here's What to Expect

Life happens, oversights can occur, and payments sometimes get missed. If you missed a car insurance payment, don’t panic. Your policy will not be cancelled immediately. State laws require auto insurance companies to provide notice to policyholders before cancelling their coverage for nonpayment. What Happens if I Don’t Get My Payment in on Time? Most car insurance companies offer a grace period for late payments....

How to Support Your Employees’ Mental Health During the Holidays

How to Support Your Employees’ Mental Health During the Holidays

Although the holidays are meant to be a time of joy and celebration, they can be particularly stressful for many people. For most employees, the holidays are an exceptionally busy time, with end-of year deadlines, shifts in normal schedules, and the added financial pressures of gift giving and special gatherings. With these added stressors in mind, there are a number of things employers can do...

How to Stay Protected This Flu Season

How to Stay Protected This Flu Season

Influenza is commonly known as the flu. It is an infectious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. The two main types of flu viruses, A and B, spreading from person to person, are responsible for seasonal flu epidemics every year, as stated by CDC. Young children, older adults, and people with health conditions have a higher risk of serious complications from the flu. What Can...

Welcome to Parenthood: Here’s What You Should Know About Your Policy

Welcome to Parenthood: Here’s What You Should Know About Your Policy

Becoming a new parent is an exciting, challenging, and somewhat overwhelming experience. When your child is born, you are suddenly responsible for a whole new little person. Instantly, your top priority becomes caring for and protecting your child. Life insurance plays an important role in protecting your baby boy or girl. It is a way to ensure financial support should something unexpected happen to you....

Should I Apply for Medicare if I have Veterans Affairs Coverage?

Should I Apply for Medicare if I have Veterans Affairs Coverage?

The Veterans Administration (VA) encourages veterans to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B at age 65, during the initial enrollment period. This gives you more options for the care you may need in the future. VA health care will cover care you receive in VA clinics and hospitals, but it does not generally cover care provided by other doctors and facilities. Even if you...